Wireless Internet Provider Options

URL: https://data.ccrpc.org/dataset/58782e4a-617e-4b94-8502-858c8ac44e8a/resource/2d418950-4183-43dd-9622-9085ab28c593/download/wireless-internet-providers.csv

Internet access is also measured by the number of options for wireless internet providers available to residents of Champaign County, Illinois, and the U.S., at speeds of 4/1 Mbps and 25/3 Mbps. At the slower speed, the vast majority of the population of all three areas has access to three or more internet providers. At the higher speed, the number of provider options decreases; just over half of Champaign County residents have access to three or more providers at 25/3 Mbps, while approximately 40 percent have access to two providers.

The ability of Champaign County residents to access the Internet has become key in many facets of life. Internet access provides economic, educational, and social opportunities; having or not having Internet access has become not only a technological issue, but an equity issue.

This data was retrieved from the Federal Communications Commission’s Fixed Broadband Deployment Area Summaries and Area Comparison, and dates from 2017.

Source: Federal Communications Commission. (2017). Fixed Broadband Deployment. Area Summary, Area Comparison. <https://broadbandmap.fcc.gov/#/>;. (Accessed 3 May 2019).

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Data last updated February 6, 2020
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)
Createdover 5 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Package id58782e4a-617e-4b94-8502-858c8ac44e8a
Revision id78e898ea-4ac2-403a-be59-801cd444ed61
Url typeupload