Poverty Rate
This poverty rate data shows what percentage of the measured population* falls below the poverty line. Poverty is closely related to income: different “poverty thresholds” are... -
Median Income
The estimated median household income and estimated median family income are two separate measures: every family is a household, but not every household is a family. According... -
Housing Affordability
The housing affordability measure illustrates the relationship between income and housing costs. A household that spends 30% or more of its collective monthly income to cover... -
Educational Attainment
Overall educational attainment measures the highest level of education attained by a given individual: for example, an individual counted in the percentage of the measured... -
Travel Time to Work
The Travel Time to Work indicator compares the mean, or average, commute time for Champaign County residents to the mean commute time for residents of Illinois and the United... -
Voter Participation
The Voter Participation indicator presents voter turnout in Champaign County as a percentage, calculated using two different methods. In the first method, the voter turnout... -
Median Age
The estimated median age gives an idea of the age distribution of the population in a given area. A greater median age would suggest that the area of interest has a relatively... -
Commuter Mode Share
This commuter mode share data shows the estimated percentages of commuters in Champaign County who traveled to work using each of the following modes: drove alone in an... -
Number of urbanized area’s funded and completed projects
Number of urbanized area’s funded and completed projects -
Number of municipal building permits issued outside of the urbanized area bou...
Number of municipal building permits issued outside of the urbanized area boundary -
Alternative Fuel Stations
Alternative Fuel Stations -
Percentage of low and zero-emission transit vehicle in MTD's fleet
Percentage of low and zero-emission transit vehicle in MTD's fleet -
Number of truck parking facilities in Champaign County PM
Number of truck parking areas in Champaign County PM -
Total Miles of bike facilities
Miles of bike facilities -
Total miles of Trails
Total miles of Trails -
Number of Shared-bike trips
Number of Shared-bike trips -
Number of bike and pedestrian outreach and education events
Number of bike and pedestrian outreach and education events -
8-Hour ozone attainment level status
8-Hour ozone attainment level status -
Active transportation mode share
Active transportation mode share -
VMT per household
Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled in the Urbanized Area