The indicators in the Mobility category measure the transportation conditions and preferences in Champaign County.
- Active Transportation Infrastructure measures the mileage of bicycle facilities and sidewalks in Champaign-Urbana-Savoy.
- Commuter Mode Share measures the estimated percentage of Champaign County commuters who choose to commute by several common modes of transportation.
- Regional Destinations Accessible Via Transit: Within Illinois measures the number of destinations within Illinois that can be reached by modes of transportation other than a personal vehicle (e.g., bus, train, plane).
- Regional Destinations Accessible Via Transit: Outside Illinois measures the number of destinations outside of Illinois that can be reached by modes of transportation other than a personal vehicle (e.g., bus, train, plane).
- Transit Ridership measures the number of rides taken per month and per year on Champaign-Urbana Mass Transit District buses.
- Travel Time to Work measures the estimated mean commute time for Champaign County residents.