Internet Access Technology Options


The Internet access indicator measures the prevalence of different Internet technology options available in Champaign County, Illinois, and the U.S., at two different speeds: 4/1 Mbps and 25/3 Mbps.

Seven types of connection options are evaluated: ADSL, cable, fiber, fixed wireless, satellite, "other" technology, and "any" technology, which includes the previous six options.

Satellite internet, at both speeds, is the most widely available in all three areas. One hundred percent of Champaign County residents have access to satellite internet at both speeds. Cable internet is also widely available across all three areas, and over 90 percent of Champaign County residents have access to cable internet. Fiber internet is the least widely available type of technology, aside from "other" technology. However, fiber internet is now available to almost 38 percent of Champaign County residents as of December 2020, an increase from approximately 25 percent in June 2020.

The ability of Champaign County residents to access the Internet has become key in many facets of life, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Internet access provides economic, educational, and social opportunities; having or not having Internet access has become not only a technological issue, but an equity issue.

This data was retrieved from the Federal Communications Commission’s Fixed Broadband Deployment Area Comparison, and dates from December 2020.

Source: Federal Communications Commission. (2020). Fixed Broadband Deployment. Area Comparison. <>;. (Accessed 3 June 2022).

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Data last updated June 3, 2022
Metadata last updated unknown
Created unknown
Format CSV
License Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)
Createdover 5 years ago
Media typetext/csv
Has viewsTrue
On same domainTrue
Package idc96d9dcc-d77f-4777-9387-3ed8074d7103
Revision id99b892c1-8f33-4d29-b5e3-8f4a8157c7f1
Url typeupload