6 datasets found

Organizations: Champaign County Regional Planning Commission Formats: GeoJSON Licenses: Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)

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  • Traffic Counts

    For the latest traffic count information, please see the IDOT Data Portal or the Getting Around Illinois map. This dataset contains historic turning movement counts for selected...
  • Champaign County Greenways

    This dataset contains all greenways in Champaign County. A greenway is a corridor of open land managed for conservation and/or recreation. Forest preserves are publicly owned...
  • Trails and Bikeways

    This dataset contains all off-street trails and on-street bikeways in Champaign County. This includes facilities in the Champaign County Greenways & Trails member agency...
  • Traffic Crashes

    This dataset contains traffic crash information for fatal crashes and severe (A-Injury) crashes from 1999 to 2009, and bike and pedestrian crashes from 1999 to 2020 in Champaign...
  • Building Permits

    This collection of datasets contains information including address, parcel number, permit date, permit type, applicant company, project cost, and permit status for all the...
  • Affordable Housing

    This dataset contains information for all the affordable housings in the Champaign County, including name, location, and number of units, and affordable housing program. The...
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